Wednesday, October 20, 2010

New Found Relationship

So for almost 7 years me and this guy have known each other and been real close friends. We have this relationship were we liked each other but we respected each other enough to keep it as just friends. So last for my 21st birthday he came and helped me celebrate with a nice gift of perfume. We talked and talked and we knew something was there but I think I was the only one ready to make our relationship more than what it has been. So I left it alone and moved on.
Go to fullsize imageThis Summer when I finally saw him things became alittle different. Feelings were there just like it always have been but I think it was a opportunity to try something new. For these past 7 years we have never had relations (s.e.x) or anything and we have been just great friends. Until August, things became something more than us just being friends. We finally took our relationship to a different level. It was well worth it because we friends first and we both wanted it.
Now I want an actual boyfriend/girlfriend relationship and we really can't be that to each other because I'm in school and he finally moved to Atlanta. #Dagger! I really like this guy but I also don't want to go crazy when I can't talk to him or even when I can't see him. I feel if you really want something you'll make it work. So for now I'm just gonna pray about it and see wat life lessons take me.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Money Hungry!!

As a College student having my own apartment and bills to pay, I have an idea on what it means to be in the real world. Its not too fun not being able to spend, spend, spend on things other than bills, food, and gas. I remember when I didn't have these bills (other than my cellphone bill) and I had money that would last me almost the whole month. It drives me crazy, especially being a female, and not being able to shop or go to the movies or anything I just want to do.
The biggest thing that I hate is asking my mom for money. I try my best not to ask her for money unless I'm down to my last dime. Im not able to have both of my parents where if I asked my mom one time, I can ask my dad. So I try not to worry my mom with that burden and plus I have learned that money doesn't grows on trees. So I'm trying to do whatever I can do to save up money or get money.
Another pet peeve is when you are really looking for a job, there is no openings but the time when you not looking for one they want to have all these signs saying "We're Hiring". Or another thing is when you do fill out an application they don't never call you back. Ugh! It seem like I can't win for losing. I had a interview a couple of weeks ago at FedEx and at first they was like well all you have to do is wait on your background check and patiently wait. But they calling ppl before the Background check even came thru. So now I'm just praying for patience!
Im too hungry for money and I'm about to go crazy cuz I do not like be broke!!!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Year of Birth- 2010

Go to fullsize imageSo wow majority of my friends have a kid or about to have a kid. 2 exes and a old boo had a baby at the beginning of this year. So my question is: Is this really the year of birth? Is there something in the water? Every time I get on facebook a classmate or a ex-coworker is pregnant or just had a baby. And its crazy because no one thought it was the wrong decision to make.
Now I think babies are cute and sweet and yes I do want one, one day, but I just feel like its 2010 and we have more options out there: Pill, Shot, Patch, Condom, Abstinence.. Babies are an extra bill that you didn't have 9 months ago and for the ones who keep on having babies maybe you rich cuz I just don't see how people my age do it or even younger.Go to fullsize image
Im not trying to knock anyone down but all I know is that I couldn't handle the fact if I had a baby.

Just a thought- for my first blog